Course Syllabus

WeVideo and the 21C Learner

Course Description

Assigning students to produce digital videos “helps build conceptual skills like understanding a narrative and using inductive reasoning to solve problems” (Czarnecki, 2009, p. 15). Producing digital videos also develops critical technology skills. According to Czarnecki (2009), “These skills are useful to children, who need them for an increasingly technology-oriented future job market, and adults, who need them to keep up with a changing world” (p. 15).

Shooting and editing video using the Chromebook’s webcam and WeVideo app can seem daunting. As teachers, how can we teach students proper camera composition and editing techniques if we ourselves have not first learned them? In this course you will not only learn how design a lesson that develops students’ 21st century skills (21CS) like collaboration, critical thinking, creativity, and communication but also the skills you will need to comfortably teach shooting and editing video. By the end of the course, participants will learn how 21st century curriculum design can transform their classroom; explore the ins and outs of completing a project on WeVideo; and transform a traditional lesson into one that incorporates digital video.


Each module includes a series of pages that must be completed in sequential order. The pages include information and resources, activities, journals, discussion forums, and videos. Taken as a whole, the pages will show participants how 21st century learning design can transform their classroom and how to shoot and edit video in WeVideo. The participant will apply their newly acquired knowledge to create a lesson for use in their classroom. Because the modules require group participation and timely discussion, each module must be completed by the date listed on the syllabus. And since we would like to foster collaboration between the students in the course, please aim to complete the activities before their due dates.


By the end of the course, participants will

  • learn how 21st century curriculum design can transform their classroom;
  • explore the ins and outs of completing a project on WeVideo;
  • learn basic video shooting and editing techniques;
  • and transform a traditional lesson into one that incorporates digital video.


Some of the assignments will ask that you work within a group. Refer to the letter you received to see which section and group you belong to. The links below will take you to your group's homepage.

Group Name


Section 1 Communication Go to group homepage >>
Section 1 Creativity Go to group homepage >>
Section 1 Collaboration Go to group homepage >>
Section 1 Critical Thinking Go to group homepage >>
Section 2 Communication Go to group homepage >>
Section 2 Creativity Go to group homepage >>
Section 2 Collaboration Go to group homepage >>
Section 2 Critical Thinking Go to group homepage >>


This course uses journals, discussion boards, video submissions, and peer review assignments. Throughout the course you will find icons representing the different types of assignments. Refer to the table below for a description of the each type of assignment. Refer to the assignments summary below for due dates.

Journal Icon.3.png 21CS Journal - You will download and make a copy of the 3 journals used through Module 1. These journals will be peer reviewed and graded. this means your writing will be read and graded by at least two other people enrolled in the course.
discussion icon.png Discussion Boards - Discussions will be sprinkled throughout the course. Please respond to at least two posts to ensure effective discourse.
Assignment Icon.4.png Video Production - You will produce videos in Modules 2 and 3 and the links to the edited videos will be turned in.
Peer Review icon (1).png Peer Reviewed Lesson Plan - The final assignment for this class will be to write a lesson that successfully integrates 21st century skills (21CS). You will be asked to peer review and evaluate the lessons submitted from two colleagues. 


The Instructor

I'm Chris and I'll be your instructor. I have taught Video Production as well as AP Biology, Chemistry, and Student Council in Nevada. If you have any questions at any time during the course, contact me at any of the methods below. Welcome to the course! chicago-oct-2016-12_orig.jpeg

Course Flow





Module 0
Getting Started
Please introduce yourself on the collaborative Padlet, download the time log, and learn about peer reviews through Canvas. This module is available now

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Module 1
Participants will learn about how instructors can incorporate 21st century skills as they design their curriculum. This module will be available from January 9 to 22

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Module 2
Making Edits in WeVideo
Participants will explore the user interface of WeVideo. This module will be available from January 23 to February 5 Go Now >>
Module 3
Tips and Tricks for Shooting and Editing
Participants will learn tips and tricks they can share with students on how best to shoot and edit video. This module will be available from February 6 to 19

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Module 4
21C Lesson Design
Participants will dig deeper as they develop a lesson that incorporates both WeVideo and 21CS. This module will be available from February 20 to March 5

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Time Log & Course Evaluation We are always looking to improve the content, flow, and experience of this course. Once you have finished all four modules, please turn in your time log and evaluate the course. This module will be available on March 1

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Course Summary:

Date Details Due